How to make an eBook

E-book (electronic book) is a book-length publication in digital form, consisting of text, images, readable on computers or other electronic devices. It has become a new trend for readers. Research showed E-book reading is increasing in the US that by 2014 28% of adults had read an ebook, compared to 23% in 2013.

With the development of new technology, now the ebook lovers can start to create their own ebooks.There are a lot of options that you can choose for self-publishing, like register online or using a third-party. With online self-publishing, some ebook generators and apps, like LibreOffice, bookbaby and Blurb BookWright are quite easy to use.

However, technology based contemporary art articulates that aesthetic meet in creative tension between art and technology. When you make your own ebook, you may wish to collaborate the aesthetic with your content by using new technology. I will take Blurb BookWright online album generator as an example to show you how to make an ebook.

Let’s get started!

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First of all, you need to select a format that you think present yourself better. I will choose the ‘ONLINE PHOTO BOOKS’ to share my film making journey.

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There are few different options that you can choose to upload pictures from you computer, or you can also link accounts of your Instagram, Facebook, FromFlickr, and etc to this ebook.

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Then you are ready to design your own ebook. You can easily edit your ‘Font cover’, ‘Back cover’ or ‘Spine’ by changing the layout, adding the pictures you like, choosing formate of texts and colours of the theme.

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After you done all above and you will be ready to complete your perfect ebook with people. Here’s my lovely ‘Filming Journey’, ready to share yours?

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